The next exercises are classical problems of minimal distance, whose solutions
use isometries to construct a
a point (that minimize some distance).
An isometry is a transformation T:A->B that preserves distance, i.e.,
T(a1)=b1 and T(a2)=b2 =>
Exercises |
Subjects |
Exercise 1 |
Given A, B, C, D and r, create P in r in such a way that
d(P,C)+d(P,D) is minimal.
Sugestion: use the interactive calculator to determine the minimal point, then search for some constructible property.
Exercise 2 |
Given the points A, B, C, D and E and the lines
r and s, construct the point P in r and point Q in s
such that PQ perpendicular at r and d(A,P)+d(P,Q)+d(Q,B) is minimal.
Sugestion: use the interactive calculator to determine the minimal point, then search for some constructible property.
- iGeom do not use the "drag-and-drop" pattern, in order to reduce
stress-related muscle tension, reducing harm with the intensive use of the software.
So, usually you need to click the construction button, them click the drawing area (or some object).
- After you finish you exercise answer, please, click the button

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